INDA house

Status: Finished - 2022
Location: Moldova, Chisinau
Architecture: linearchitects
Services: Landscape Architecture /MOOD Garden & ACLA Studio collab/, Horticultural Services
Area: 500 m2
Photo : Oleg Bazhura

INDA House represents the eloquent illustration of the interconnection between architecture and landscape. Possessing a modest surface, the yard fulfils the home, supporting the naturalness and transparency which are at the core of the concept. We decided to exploit the opportunities of a lighter environment generated by the initiative to create several levels of vegetation. The lack of symmetry and giving up pavement offer freedom to the project.

In harmony with the context, we combined all the elements in an idyllic and intimate frame. I opted for liaising grassy plants with mature trees, complemented by the gravel added to some areas to keep the landscape's accuracy. Thanks to this configuration, it was possible to arrange the furniture on the grass, while the low terraces, finished with wood, allow a complete fusion with the nature.